Archives for October 2010

Mainichi Anime Yume’s 4th year anniversary

Mainichi Anime Yume recently turned four years old (on October 1st actually, though I only just remembered =P) And I’m happy to say that I think this year has been one of the blog’s best…

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Distinguishing good anime from likable anime

I apologize for the lack of posts this past week. If you must know the reason, I decided to take a short break from blogging to indulge in playing Pokemon Black =P My review of the game will be posted soon, as well as some belated series reviews and first impressions of fall 2010 anime I decide to watch. Posts should be going back to their regular schedule for now (2-3 per week I would say).


Whenever I think about my favorite anime, or any anime I like actually, I often find myself liking a certain series better than another even though I recognize that the latter is clearly better in many respects than the former. When I post any list of favorite anime, I feel obligated to make a statement such as “These are the anime I enjoyed the most and not necessarily what I think are the best anime.” To give an example, why am I much more into K-ON! (i.e., buying K-ON! products, looking up fan art, etc) than Eden of the East, even though I know that the latter is an overall better show? A post by digitalboy however, helped me figure out this distinction between anime I like and anime I think are good…

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