To add some humor to the site, here's a bunch of animated gifs I've collected of animals doing cute or funny things (mostly cats and dogs, but other animals occasionally). There are millions of these floating around the Internet, unfortunately many where it looks like the people who made it purposely put the animal in a harmful or stressful situation because they think it's funny. But the only ones I like are the ones where animals are not harmed (people maybe XD) Enjoy~! Just note that there are a lot of gifs on this page and on the previous page 1, so if you view them on a slow Internet connection or even on a phone, they might not play properly or play too slow. Best to view them on a fast computer. If any of them aren't moving, simply right click and select "View Image" to get them moving agian. Also for humor's sake, some of them contain adult language ;)

Nice catch!

...You know what...honestly...fuck this jar

Very enthusiastic handshaking dog

Ninja cat needs more training

Ninja kitten also needs to enhance his skills

Poor friendzoned cat

The food! Where is it! Human, get it now!

Overly attached bedtime cat

What...OMG, it's me! Guys, look I'm a bobble-head! A bobble-head!!!

I've actually had two black and white cats that liked water/getting wet

If you won't brush me I shall brush myself!

Or I'll make you come back and brush me!

Sneaky food-snatching dog

And another sneaky food-snatching dog

Jack-in-the-box kitty

This cat does not like to be ignored, especially when trying to politely get his friend's attention

When simply walking on your work space isn't enough to disturb your studies

Well, time to get off the dresser...oh, almost forgot...fuck this thing

The Swiffer cleaner is a regular amusement park ride for these cats

Overly dramatic dog

This dog knows how to get ready for dinnertime better than most kids

This dog wants to hold hands despite not having a hand

High-fiving cat

Not sure if trying to help or hinder push-ups

More pet+human exercising

Yoga dog takes it to a whole new level

Butt-sniffing makes it all better that a...strawberry?...Fuck strawberries!

An amazing little crow feeds a cat and a dog

This is how you pet me silly human, now do it!

Whoa, dude...just calm down

We should all be where this cat is at some time in our life

And last but not least, this big picture of cuteness

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